SysCP Flat File Generator

Heute ist der große Tag gekommen, an dem mein Mailsystem endlich nicht mehr bedingungslos von einem MySQL-Server abhängig ist. Die Anbindung hatte sich im Produktivbetrieb bei mir leider sehr negativ gezeigt, so dass ich nun gezwungen war, einen Flat-File Generator zu schreiben.

Zugegebener Maßen ist die Verwendung von Shell-Scripten in einem 5-minütlichen Cron-Job sicherlich nicht unbedingt die perfekte Lösung, aber zumindest arbeiten das Mailsystem und der MySQL-Server in diesem Punkt nun unabhängig.

Sticky: Secondary MX – SysCP

The following article describes how to setup a secondary Postfix mail exchanger in a syscp environment. All customer data is stored in a MySQL database and therefor the setup focuses on how to replicate the database.

In the future I possible might post my complete mail setup and all components around Postfix, so stay tuned and come back from time to time.

I assume, there is a full configured syscp instance on the master server, from which you want to sync to slave servers. I also assume that your master mailserver uses SSL certs for smtps and submission. If not, please fix this and come back later on.

This setup is tested on Ubuntu dapper drake

mail-notification SSL/TLS

This text explains a simple workaround for mail-notification in Debian/Ubuntu distributions, where the package has been built without SSL-support. In the web, you can find two workarounds: The first is a documentaion, where you are told to recompile the package with the missing libssl-support.

The second is trying to work with unmodified packages. This has the advantage that you won´t lose changes, when you are upgrading your distribution to a newer version.